For 4 years, Resolution 1628 of 2015 has been extended by which the MADS has temporarily declared 6 industrial estates as areas of protection and development of renewable natural resources and the environment, applying the precautionary principle, where it is clear that the ANM will not be able to grant new mining concessions in these areas. The total area of the 6 polygon has been changing with each of the extensions; starting with 1´660,245.20 ha, in 2018 they became 1´299.835.09 ha and currently the ones that were established in 2019 with 1´611,380.79 ha remain. Basically the reason for the extension this year is because all the processes that National Natural Parks have been developing for the declaration of these areas have been limited by the declaration of a health emergency due to COVID-19. Contact us if you require advice.
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